Saturday 21 September 2013

Embroidery hoop dreams and favourite treasure finds from the last 2weeks

Last week Rob, Bodhi and I went to mornington for a spot of treasure hunting. Along the way we stopped at an unexpected Antique shop that looked very small from the outside. As we discovered the rooms and rooms of hidden treasures we realised that this was No Ordinary antique store but a fortress if Wonder. Each room lead into another and another. So many beautiful things from other times. Cherished and beautiful times, so different to the world we live in today. If only they could tak.. The stories they would tell :)

This antique store was called the Bottom drawer. I will definitely be going back for another look. 

Then it was off to the op shops where I found some of the sweetest treasures I have found in a while.

Sewing patterns and a vintage wall hook

This card would be perfect to turn into some wall art. Love the picture :) Can't wait to use it in a crafty project...

I just love this little baby shoe planter and this bird figurine ❤❤❤❤❤

Along the way Bodhi found a Buddha statue and had a moment.. We taught him well.

Overall it was a great day.. :)

All my lucky vintage kids book finds had me inspired to create a new project...

Embroidery hoop art has been a favourite of mine. It can brighten up wall by just adding a funky fabric. 

This is my version of embroidery hoop art. It combines my 2 favourite things. Childrens book pictures from up cycled/ salvaged kids books and Vintage fabric. In this case I used a vintage hanky. The picture is hand stitched onto the fabric and stretched into the embroidery hoop. Perfect for the little crafty ones... I plan to be making a few more of these in the near future :)

*All photos are the property of Mary Daff (Whimsical Teapot). Copyright Mary Daff 2013. Pictures are not to be used or copied without my permission.


  1. Hi Mary! I've found myself some time to visit you properly. I love the name of the store you visited. A girl's 'bottom drawer' was where she collected towels and linens and household items in preparation for a marriage proposal and a setting up of a home. Did you ever hear that?? And the hoop art is great. I've three hoops that I put fabric in last year and are still awaiting a treatment.....the stitched paper is a lovely idea xXx

    1. Wow Jo. I never knew that. If I had a bottom drawer I think it would be overflowing... would maybe need a whole chest :) Thanks for the compliments :)

  2. Gorgeous pictures, I have to admit to being envious of all that treasure! Love the hoop!!

  3. Wow I really love your finds! That shop looks wonderful. And I'm inspired by your wall art. I've been wanting to do something with vintage children's images and fabric for a while. Found a great children's encyclopaedia today! It always feels like there was so much more care taken over the illustrations then compared to commercial books of that kind these days.

    1. Hi Suki,

      There is so much you can do with books :) I love using them i craft. So true about the illustrations.. they are magical. That shop was so big. It just kept going and going. I'm looking forward to exploring it again and maybe taking some photos of the inside :).

  4. What great finds - I love that bird! And I love embroidery hoops too - such a great and cheap way to display beautiful fabrics - I have a wall of them above my bed!
